Saturday, April 18, 2009


Welcome to Hip Teacher Mama! Drop by often to read the musings of a new blogger, a first-time mommy, and an experienced Canadian elementary school teacher....yes, we're one and the same! From product reviews to baby food recipes to classroom experiences, follow me on my initiation through motherhood. This blog wouldn't be teacher-like without daily lesson plans so here is what I have in store for you.

Mondays: Personal reflections about my baby girl. Spending each day with her is an absolute joy, but having Family Time (especially on the weekends) means more to me than anything. Find out what I think and how I feel to start off the work week.

Tuesdays: Although I'm new to the world of motherhood, there are still tidbits of wisdom that I would love to share as my journey progresses. Of course, I will also point you in the right direction of experts who actually KNOW what they are talking about.

Wednesdays: Ahhh...Hump Day. This day may be the most difficult for educators because the students have forgotten their parents' weekend reminders to be "good for the teacher" and now are just struggling to get through the week. I'll provide some laughs and motivation to remind you why you became a teacher in the first place or just some insights as to the best toys on the market for your little one.

Thursdays: Like to eat? I know I do! My baby also has a love of food so check out the delicious recipes for the young and old alike. Breastfeeding moms need to keep up their strength and babies starting solids need a variety of foods to help develop good eating habits. Join me in this culinary exploration for Mommy and Baby, won't you?

Fridays: It's time to sit back, put your feet up, and watch a little video. Whether it's a song, dance, or clip from a show, you're guaranteed to leave with a smile on your face.

I hope your first visit won't be your last and I welcome your comments about each day's post in the comments section or feel free to email me at


Bev said...

Congrats! Looking forward to reading of your adventures :-)

Martha said...

I LOVE the new look of your site!!! It's looking more and more fab everyday and the content is equally awesome!