Monday, December 14, 2009


4 Markham-Stouffville Hospital ER visits, 1 Children's After-Hours Clinic Exam, and finally 5 days at Sick Kids in Toronto...Hannah is finally home! I, however, am still dealing with my bronchitis (not surprising) so this week will be the early start to our Christmas blogcation. We shall return in 2010, happy and healthy, with more personal experiences (none this scary), great product reviews, easy recipes, and educational inside tips.

Wishing all the Hip Teacher Mamas and their babies out there a very warm and safe holiday. Sadly, we are cancelling our cruise vacation to keep Hannah close to home and immediate medical care should the need arise. We'll just have to make the most of this winter staycation. Let me know how you plan to spend the rest of 2009.

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