Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So how was your child's first day at school? Jitters? Excitement? Fear? Yeah, I had those feelings too.

Teachers: There is one month until Thanksgiving weekend. The first month will fly by as you get to know the twenty to thirty personalities in the class. Take the time to chat with them. Do interest inventories and keep them on file. It's a great ice-breaker especially for those shy ones who need a little push to come out of their shell.

Students: I know school may not be #1 on your Fun List, but give it a chance. Starting a new grade means new challenges, meeting new friends and catching up with old ones. This may be the year you'll try out for the basketball team and make it! You'll discover new strengths and work on any weaknesses. The year will be what you make it! Good luck and have fun.

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